
Miami Truck Accident Lawyer

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Miami Truck Accident Attorney

It Is Not About Extremes.

You Just Need What Is Right And Fair.

Truck accidents can be particularly damaging, both emotionally and physically. The sheer size and mass of a truck can cause severe injuries, which can lead to permanent disability or even death. Furthermore, in Florida truck accidents, various potentially liable parties may be involved, making the situation even more complicated. If you have been in a truck accident, a Miami truck accident lawyer from the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez can support you.

The compassionate personal injury law team at the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez has decades of combined experience in advocating for victims of Miami truck accidents. We can thoroughly document all the property damage and injuries you have sustained. Then, we can work to implement a legal strategy that facilitates an optimal recovery. If you have been hit by a truck in Miami, do not try to handle the situation alone. A lawyer from our firm can represent you and protect your interests.

Trucking Accidents Involve Many Unique Considerations

One of the biggest differences between car and semi-truck accidents is the sheer amount of evidence that needs to be gathered in trucking cases.

Today’s trucks are equipped with a tremendous amount of technology, from black boxes that record speed, braking, etc., to GPS devices and devices that can prove truck driver fatigue. Other types of data are subject to the trucking companies’ internal record retention policies.

Truck accident cases deal extensively with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR). Before a truck can move goods between states, it must obtain a USDOT number and operating authority. By doing so, the trucking company agrees to comply with the FMCSRs. FMCSR regulates everything from driver qualifications, to hours of service and insurance coverage — something regular passenger vehicle accidents do not involve.

Florida accidents are also subject to the rules and regulations of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Florida Statutes, Section 316.302 and Section 316.70, contain Florida’s safety requirements that apply to the operation of commercial vehicles on the public highways of the state. They list weight, load and safety requirements.

How a Miami Truck Accident Lawyer Can Support You

As navigating the claims process after a Miami truck accident can be highly complex and overwhelming, it’s important to have legal representation on your side who can work to protect your rights and interests. A Miami truck accident lawyer from the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez can support you in the following ways:

  • Offering an initial consultation. A lawyer from our firm can assess the details of your case to determine the legal options you may have at your disposal. They can also advise you on the steps to take to strengthen your case, protect your immediate interests, and preserve your rights.
  • Determining the potentially liable parties. Truck accident cases usually involve various potentially liable parties, including the truck manufacturer, the trucking company, the truck driver, the personnel who loaded the cargo, and the truck maintenance company. A lawyer can look into your case to determine which parties could be potentially liable, which allows them to identify who to hold responsible in court.
  • Knowledge of trucking regulations. An experienced lawyer from our firm can leverage their deep knowledge of federal and state trucking regulations to determine where a party may have broken a trucking law or protocol and then prove how it contributed to your truck accident. Whether a truck driver was working over their maximum hours of service or the vehicle was not up to maintenance standards, they can learn exactly what went wrong.
  • Collecting evidence. To hold the responsible parties liable in court, it is crucial to collect evidence that supports your side of the story, such as black box data, driver logs, and vehicle maintenance records. An experienced lawyer can work to collect all this information, enabling them to build a strong case that proves liability and helps you access crucial compensation.
  • Handling insurance companies. The insurers for trucking companies have large resources and personnel dedicated to fighting truck accident claims similar to yours. Thankfully, a fierce and experienced litigator from our firm is aware of the amount to which they are entitled. We can communicate with these companies on your behalf to obtain a fair and just settlement.

Whether your truck accident has resulted in long-term injury, permanent disability, or even death, an experienced lawyer from our firm can accurately assess the extent of the non-economic and economic damages you have suffered. They can pursue crucial compensation for you, such as repayment for pain and suffering, property damage, medical expenses, and physical rehabilitation.

Miami Truck Accident Liability

Car accidents in Miami and the surrounding areas typically involve one or each of the drivers involved in the accident. Determining liability for truck accidents, however, is much more complicated, as multiple parties can be involved, each of which could be potentially liable. An experienced lawyer from the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez can analyze the details of your case to determine whether one of the following parties could be at fault:

  • The truck driver. A truck driver can be held liable for their actions if they were engaging in reckless or wrongful behavior, such as speeding, driving distracted, or driving under the influence. Fatigue is another common reason why truck drivers may get into accidents.
  • The trucking company. Depending on the details of your case, you could hold the trucking company accountable for their actions. They may be held accountable under vicarious liability, which automatically makes them responsible for any of their employees’ behavior. Other violations, such as discouraging drivers from taking adequate rest breaks or failing to adequately maintain the truck, could also lead to liability.
  • The cargo-loading company. If the cargo in the truck was overloaded, or if it was loaded improperly, which led to something falling loose or an imbalance that caused the truck to flip, this institution could be held accountable for the subsequent accident damages.
  • The truck part manufacturer. In some cases, such as those in which the crash was caused by a malfunction in the truck or a truck part that was inadequately designed or manufactured, the responsible companies can be held accountable for this.
  • Third-party companies. In some cases, a third party may be held liable for a trucking accident, such as if a maintenance company did not adequately repair or inspect a truck and it led to a truck accident.

An experienced Miami truck accident lawyer from our firm can look into the details of your accident to determine which parties could be potentially liable. They can collect adequate evidence and use robust legal arguments to prove how any rules and regulations were violated, thereby holding them accountable for their wrongful or neglectful actions.

Compensation You May Be Entitled to for Your Miami Truck Accident

Depending on the details of your case, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation to recover your damages and injuries from your truck accident. An experienced personal injury lawyer from the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez can assess the extent of your damages to determine whether you’re entitled to compensation for the following:

  • Medical expenses. Medical expenses can account for any past, present, and future medical costs associated with diagnosing, treating, or monitoring the health conditions associated with the truck accident. These can include hospital bills, surgery fees, assistive or medical devices, medications, physical therapy, diagnostic services, and transportation to and from clinic visits.
  • Lost income. If you have been put out of work as a result of your truck accident injuries, you could recover part of or all the wages and benefits you may have lost as a result. An experienced lawyer can determine a reasonable amount of lost wages you may be entitled to based on the time you’ve been out of work and the money you were making prior to the accident.
  • Lost earning potential. If your truck accident has resulted in a permanent injury or disability that has caused you to lose a certain capacity to earn an income, you may be entitled to this difference in income in your final compensation package. Occupations that are associated with larger amounts of money lead to larger compensation amounts for lost earning potential if the victim cannot ever work again due to their injuries.
  • Property damage. If your car, a vehicle, or any of your personal items were damaged in the truck accident, you can get compensation for repairing or replacing these items. If the item was irreplaceable, such as a sweater knitted by your grandmother, an experienced lawyer can determine what your options are for pursuing compensation for these items.
  • Pain and suffering. As truck accidents can be extremely traumatic, they can result in serious emotional and psychological consequences. An experienced lawyer from our firm can see if you are entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, such as the development of conditions like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder in the wake of your accident.
  • Wrongful death. If you have lost a loved one in a Miami truck accident, a compassionate and skilled lawyer from the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez understands just how traumatic and challenging this can be. While no amount of money can ever replace your loved one, we can help you get adequate compensation to ensure financial security for your family during this challenging time by holding individuals accountable for their actions.

Whether you have been in a minor truck accident or a severe one that has led to permanent disability, it is crucial to recover compensation for all the damages and injuries you have suffered. A knowledgeable truck accident lawyer from our firm can work hard to account for all your losses and see that you receive adequate compensation for each one.

The Urgency of Truck Accident Cases

Florida has stringent deadlines for filing a personal injury claim, including those that arise from truck accidents. Therefore, it is crucial to work with experienced lawyers who can keep track of any pertinent deadlines you might have. They can help you understand the statute of limitations of your case based on your case details and other important elements of your timeline, enabling you to maintain your right to pursue compensation after your accident.


Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident in Florida?

In Florida, many people can be held accountable for causing a truck accident. Depending on the details of the case, negligent individuals can include the:

  • Truck driver
  • Trucking company
  • Truck repair company
  • Truck manufacturer
  • Individual who loaded the truck

An experienced Miami truck accident lawyer can analyze the details of your case to determine the potential at-fault parties for your accident.

What Are Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Florida?

How Is a Truck Accident Case Different From a Car Accident Case in Florida?

What Compensation Can I Recover After a Florida Truck Accident?

What Should I Do If the Florida Trucking Company’s Insurance Adjuster Contacts Me?

Get A Skilled Attorney On Your Side

If you or a loved one has been involved in a Miami truck accident, you do not have to navigate the process of pursuing compensation alone. A skilled and experienced Miami truck accident lawyer from the Law Office of Alexander Alvarez is here to assess the details of your case and explain your options. Together, we can fully document all that you have lost and pursue compensation for it.

Your attorney should be knowledgeable of the statutes. For assistance with your trucking case, please contact our Miami-based office at 866-270-0589.

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Our Greatest Achievements Are The Lives We Positively Impact.

Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.

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