When you go into business with a partner, it’s a good idea to create an operating agreement that outlines the responsibilities of both individuals. On top of this, a contract can go a long way in avoiding future disputes.
However, even if you take these steps up front, you could one day find yourself in the middle of a conflict with your business partner. Here’s what you should do if you find yourself in this position:
A conflict with your business partner should be addressed as soon as possible. This gives you the opportunity to work through your issues before they permanently damage your relationship and/or the health of your business.
If you’ve tried everything and are still unable to make any real progress, it may be time to learn more about your legal rights and how to protect them. For example, if you feel that your partner is guilty of breaching their contract, take time to consider the next steps in the process.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.