Even with decades of experience, you may find yourself facing a medical malpractice suit. It can be a stressful experience, given what is at stake. Your reputation and probably, your license may be on the line if you are found negligent in discharging your medical duties.
How do you go against the charges against you and clear your name? Read on to find out more about the possible strategies your defense may employ.
Challenging the plaintiff’s expert testimony may be an effective strategy. Usually, in a malpractice lawsuit, a medical expert is called in to testify on the plaintiff’s behalf. However, if you dispute the expert’s qualifications and convince the court that they are not qualified to speak on the matter, they may not be allowed to testify.
You could use this defense if the patient contributed to their injuries in any way. Failure to follow a doctor’s medical advice cannot form the basis of a malpractice claim. For instance, if you instructed the patient not to lift heavy loads and they did not heed your advice. If this affected their recovery, they cannot claim that your treatment was substandard.
Suppose you told your patient that there was a new, radical method of treatment for their condition. It has had promising results, but there are risks involved. You also informed them of the risk involved with that procedure, and they agreed to the procedure anyhow. In that case, you could have a valid defense if your treatment method is backed by a respectable minority in the medical profession.
Knowing what to do when going against a medical malpractice claim is as useful as knowing what not to do. Therefore, it is important to be prepared and ready, just in case you find yourself in the thick of it.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.