Construction company owners do have to be wary of mistakes, as construction defects are real issues that can impact both commercial and residential projects. Mistakes made on the job can lower the value of a property.
That said, there are certain types of clients who are impossible to please. This could mean they’re also more likely to claim there is a defect or an issue with the end result, even when you know that your crew did an excellent job. They may also be unreasonable about minor problems and resort to litigation before they even try to resolve the problem directly.
Knowing what red flags to look for can help you know if such a dispute is likely.
While every client is unique, there are certain people who get into disputes more often, and a few examples include:
As a company owner, it’s not that you can’t work with these individuals, but you just need to be aware that a dispute may be more likely if you do. If one does arise, you also need to know what legal steps to take. An experienced advocate can defend your interests when there’s a problem.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.