Getting compensated for injuries caused by someone else can alleviate your pain and suffering, in addition to recouping medical costs incurred during treatment. However, certain legal aspects may come into play and weigh in on your personal injury case.
It is important to note that the law is different across states regarding personal injury cases, and below, we look at Florida laws that may affect your case.
Florida is a comparative negligence state. It means that each party is apportioned blame to the extent of their negligence in the personal injury. So, for instance, if you were 10% at fault, you can only be compensated for 90% of your damages.
When several parties are held responsible for your personal injury, they will all pay damages proportional to their fault.
Damages that the court may award can either be economic, non-economic or punitive. In some states, these damages are legally capped, but in Florida, only punitive damages have a legal cap of $500,000.
Different states have varying timelines on the legal time limit for raising civil action, which personal injury cases fall under. For example, in Florida, you have four years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. Going beyond the stipulated time may be detrimental to your case, which may even be thrown out.
Did your injuries arise from a car accident, a dog-bite incident or a slip-and-fall? Depending on the circumstances that led to your injuries, there are various legal technicalities in Florida laws that you may need to know to protect your rights. All this will help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for your personal injury case.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.