Speeding is at least a partial cause of nearly a third of fatal crashes in this country. In Florida, it’s not just the number of people speeding, but how fast they’re going that’s extremely dangerous.
Florida law enforcement officers say they’re seeing more drivers going over 100 miles per hour. In Volusa County, a motorcyclist was clocked at 145 mph. In Polk County, a driver traveling at 130 mph was stopped by police.
One sheriff says what many public safety officials have determined – that a lot of drivers developed bad habits a few years ago when many businesses and schools were closed and the roads were largely empty. He says that caused “an absolute disregard for traffic laws [and] traffic safety….”
It only makes sense that a collision where even one vehicle is traveling at a high speed is likely to cause more serious injuries than one at a lower speed. The greater the speed is, the more serious the injuries are likely to be. For example:
According to the Florida Safety Council an added 10 mph can double the risk of a crash being fatal.
Further, the faster a vehicle is going, the more difficult it is for other drivers to get out of their way to avoid a collision. Some drivers and pedestrians aren’t even aware of a vehicle speeding toward them until it’s too late to get out of the way.
If you or a loved one was seriously injured or worse by a speeding driver, it’s crucial that you get the maximum compensation to which you’re entitled to deal with medical bills and other expenses and damages. It’s wise to seek legal guidance to protect your rights and advocate tor justice and compensation.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.