
Man sentenced for fatal Porsche accident in Florida

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In a devastating accident, a passenger in a speeding vehicle was killed as the driver lost control and hit a pole. The teenager driving the Porsche now has to pay with four years in prison.

A judge in Miami-Dade determined that the 19-year-old man should spend four years in prison on top of a year on house arrest. Additionally, the judge sentenced him to another 10 years of probation.

The man admitted to causing the crash that killed an 18-year-old friend. It was New Year’s morning, and he’d been driving her home. Another passenger in the vehicle, a 17-year-old male, suffered head injuries but survived the crash.

The man responsible for the crash pleaded guilty. He was only 17 when it occurred, and it was alleged that he had used marijuana and Xanax before it happened. He didn’t face charges for drugged driving since the investigators couldn’t prove when those drugs had been used. He did not have a license when he caused the crash. In this case, the man faced up to 25 years in prison, but the judge gave him a fairly lenient sentence.

Serious injuries and deaths impact more than just the victim. Family member and friends all feel the loss. It’s important that those around the individuals who are hurt or killed have a chance to file a claim on their behalf. A good claim helps recover financial losses and seeks justice for the losses that have been suffered. Those who cause accidents need to be held accountable for their negligence and poor decisions when they lead to injuries or deaths.

Source: Miami Herald, “High-speed Porsche crash killed a college freshman. Driver is now going to prison,” David Ovalle, Dec. 08, 2017

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