It can be heartbreaking when you dedicate your life to helping people, only to find that one day, one client tries to destroy your good name by bringing a medical malpractice claim against you.
55% of U.S. physicians have been sued by a client, according to a report from the American Medical Association (AMA). The good news is that the doctor usually wins. Only 32% of claims succeed. Of the cases that made it to court, only 12% succeeded.
However, defending a claim still has a high cost, whether it gets to court or not. It will cost you emotionally, it will cost you time and resources, and even if revoked, it could damage your good reputation.
Knowing you have a one in two chance of being sued means you need to take preventative action. While you cannot rule out everything, taking these measures can reduce the likelihood that you get sued for medical malpractice:
The first thing to do if accused of medical malpractice is to seek legal advice from a Miami attorney who has defended medical malpractice claims before.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.