
What can you do to help someone who slips and falls?

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Slips and falls are very common, and even a fall from standing height on a wet floor can be very dangerous.

Falls are the number one reason for trauma-related hospital admissions, and they can be outright fatal to older people – but people do not have to be elderly or frail to get seriously hurt in one. If you witness a loved one’s fall in a store, parking lot or anywhere else and want to help, there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind.

Prioritize the victim’s safety

Encourage your loved one to lie still so that they can assess how hurt they might be. It’s particularly important that they not try to get up right away, especially if there is something on the floor around them that contributed to their fall, like a spilled drink or cleaning fluids. They could end up falling again, and that could lead to even more severe injuries. Call 911 and request assistance so that your loved one can be properly evaluated for head injuries, back injuries and broken bones, among other things.

Alert the property’s owner or manager

If possible, try to let the property’s owner or manager know what has happened. This is particularly important when the fall was due to some kind of property negligence, like a broken step, missing handrail or forgotten “Wet Floor” sign. If your loved one is seriously injured and decides to eventually file a premises liability claim, that notice can also help establish a clear timeline of events and connect their injuries to the fall.

Take photos of the accident scene

Your loved one may think you’re going overboard, but pictures really are worth more than any words when it comes to future injury claims. Take photos of whatever you think may be important at the scene, such as the lighting conditions, the cracks in the tile on the floor, the position of the torn rug near your loved one and so on. Those photos may become valuable evidence in the future.

Quick thinking on your part can not only help your family member or friend avoid more severe injuries, but it can also help them ultimately receive fair compensation for what they’ve endured.

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Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.

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