Many rear-end accidents happen because drivers are either following too closely or not paying attention. For example, Florida has banned the use of handheld electronic devices in the car. But there are still drivers who attempt to use their cellphones while driving, and they are a far greater accident risk than drivers who are paying attention to the road.
But in both of these cases – distracted driving and tailgating – part of the problem is that there are three different distances that drivers should consider when trying to slow down. Many drivers only consider the last one – the braking distance – and this is why they cause accidents.
First of all, it takes time for the driver to perceive what is happening around them and decide that they need to hit the brakes. At 60 miles an hour, experts believe this could take about 66 feet. So a driver who is tailgating may barely have time to recognize that traffic is slowing down before they have already caused a crash.
Next, it takes time for a driver to physically react. They at least have to take their foot off of the accelerator and press the brakes. This could take another 66 feet. The driver hasn’t even begun slowing down yet, and they’ve already gone over 130 feet.
Finally, there is the actual braking distance of the vehicle. This is dependent on many factors, such as the weight of the vehicle and the condition of the brakes. But at 60 miles an hour, the average vehicle will take about 227 more feet to stop.
Have you been rear-ended by a driver who was distracted or negligent? If you’ve suffered injuries, you may be able to seek financial compensation for medical bills and more.
Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.