
What makes summer so dangerous for teenage drivers?

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Aspiring teen drivers are often very eager to start their training and even more excited about the prospect of driving without adult supervision. When a teenager obtains their licenses in Florida, they may start driving themselves to school or to their part-time jobs.

Unfortunately, teenage drivers expose themselves to one of the biggest safety concerns for young adults. Motor vehicle collisions are one of the most common causes of premature death for teenagers and a leading cause of severe injuries as well. The risk of a crash is there any time a young adult is out on public roads, but the risk is substantially higher during the summer months. Statistically, the 100 days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are the most dangerous days for young drivers.

Teens have more free time in the summer

During the school year, high school and younger college students have minimal free time. They spend the majority of their days in class and may only drive to and from school. During the summer months, students have far less structure in their day-to-day lives.

They can get together with friends first thing in the morning or go out to late-night parties. More free time means more time spent socializing and likely more time driving. Having other young adults in the vehicle when out seeking adventure in the summer is also a safety concern. Teenage drivers may have a hard time keeping their focus on the road well also interacting with their peers.

Additionally, parties and unsupervised socialization might lead to young adults experimenting with drugs and alcohol. They may then try to drive home to avoid any consequences that their parents could impose for breaking curfew. All of those factors, as well as the potential for a later curfew and more nighttime driving, significantly increase the risk of a serious teenage car crash in the summer.

Parents who understand what factors put their children at risk of motor vehicle collisions can potentially provide better guidance when teaching their teens to drive. They may also be able to implement more effective rules about when and how young adults operate motor vehicles. Learning about safety trends based on historical collision data can help those who want to make safe driving a priority for their families.

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