
Defensive driving helps you avoid trouble on the road

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Even the safest drivers have concerns about facing trouble on the road. For example, an aggressive driver or someone who is texting could cause an accident.

Defensive driving will provide you with confidence, while keeping you safe. Here are a few of the most important things you can do:

  • Slow down: Defensive drivers always obey the speed limit. When you drive too fast, you put yourself and others at risk. Know the speed limit and keep your speed in check at all times.
  • Don’t engage with aggressive drivers: For example, someone may begin to scream at you because they don’t like how slow you’re driving. Don’t look them in the eye or yell back. Keep your eyes on the road, move out of the way and let the person travel up the road.
  • Think one step ahead: As you gain more experience as a driver, you’ll find it easier to think one step ahead, which can save you from an accident. For example, as you approach an intersection, think about everything that could go wrong. That way, if something doesn’t go as planned, you can quickly react in an attempt to avoid an accident.
  • Keep your focus on the road: Defensive drivers understand the importance of focusing on the road at all times. Keep all distractions out of your vehicle, such as texting, talking on the phone, smoking, drinking, eating and conversing with passengers.

Along with the above, don’t hesitate to call for help should it be necessary. Pull over to the side of the road, dial 911 and explain your situation to the dispatcher. In addition to providing advice, they can send a local officer to the scene to ensure that everything is okay.

Unfortunately, defensive driving alone isn’t always enough to keep you safe. Another driver could still make a mistake that causes a crash.

If you’re injured as the result of another person’s negligence, you can take steps to hold them accountable and protect your legal rights. And of course, be sure that you focus enough of your efforts on your injuries, medical care and treatment plan.

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Contact our firm in Miami online or by telephone at 866-270-0589 and arrange a free initial consultation. Personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation to simply speaking with our firm and learning about your options.

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